Breathwork and Resiliency Coach
Growing up I was always seen as an ‘old soul,’ and I constantly sought wise direction. I began exploring holistic health to find relief for mental health challenges and chronic illnesses as a young adult
My healing journey really started to blossom when I found the right set of tools for me; breathwork for emotional release and grounding, a compassionate mentor, inner child and parts work and the support of a community of survivors. These pieces finally helped me to love myself in a radical way, and fiercely protect my inner child.
I’ve learned what resilience is really about and I’m creating spaces where other people can heal and grow.
I use the power of language; the profound beauty of words skillfully woven together to warm hearts, captivate minds, and inspire people's lives.
I hope you join me on a transformative journey, where resilience meets compassion, making space for healing and empowerment.
I didn't realize I was really angry until I became a parent...
It was like watching a nightmare unfold before my eyes. I was repeating the toxic parenting pattern I vowed to break.
And yet, although my own toxic behavior was wearing away at my soul, I felt a guiding light inside of me that pushed me to keep seeking answers for nearly 20 years. That wildly courageous side kept me knocking, knowing the door would open and I’d find the answers.
You have that light, too, or you wouldn’t be here. It’s propelling me toward something better, and it’s propelling you too.
Somehow, I stumbled across breathwork for emotional release with Josh Connally; maybe it was divine intervention, or maybe it was the algorithm gods. Either way, his program changed everything for me and, subsequently, my family life.
The toxic energy that once made me into a people pleaser, fueled anxiety and depression and reinforced generational trauma has been released. And now I’ve claimed it to amplify my light and assist others in doing the same.
Keeping this transformation to myself would be like trying to quell a fire in my bones.
Armed with the power and tools to turn my body and mind into a haven of peace, I can help you achieve the same. No more hating parts of myself—I realize I was always good; doing what I had to in order to survive.

The Turning Point of Facing My Trauma
During the pandemic, our family life became unbearable.
My family was miserable. We were all isolated and depressed. I could see it wearing away at my kids.
I was stressed. I had just started a business with my mom that was on hold for the unforeseeable future. None of us had close friends, the world was a dumpster fire, and it felt like my kids hated me, we had lost all connection.
Yet, I was trying to get the approval of my dysfunctional family! I spent more energy worried about what they thought of my parenting, than giving my kids the support and love they needed. I was so far off the path that I had envisioned for my life.
We tried setting some boundaries with our family. Immediately I felt them start to withdraw their support. I felt completely lost.
That’s when my husband sat me down for the first time in our 17-year marriage and told me how unhappy he had been with the role I allowed my parent to play in my life.
I cried all night because I knew he was right. I knew it was dysfunctional. I knew this wasn’t the life we wanted, but I couldn’t see any other way. I knew my parent would disown me before they allowed me to change the rules of the game. I was heartbroken.
But I chose my kids and my marriage.
It was a difficult season. I don’t regret it but I wish I had found breathwork, supportive community and the ability to love myself as I do now, before taking those steps.
The work is never done.